Nourishing nearly 700 families a week across 21 Northern Westchester communities.

Helping Those In Need

With a rich 33 year history, we are the only weekly choice food pantry available to residents of 21 Northern Westchester communities. Through our twice weekly in-person and bi-weekly home delivery distributions, we nourish over 2,000 individuals every week. We fed over 110,600 people in FY2024 (ending 6/30/24 of which 26% were children and 11% were seniors).

Our dedicated team of volunteers unload food deliveries and stock shelves, pack produce, rescue food from local food donors, make home deliveries, and assist our guests at distributions.

Volunteer Kathy Preece at greens. Photos by Amy Sowder

 The Pantry in the News!

“On a recent rainy morning, women, men, and children trickled toward the line winding around United Methodist Church in the heart of Mount Kisco. It was time to grocery shop. The price? Zilch”

Read more in Westchester Magazine's September 5, 2024 online article by clicking here

The author captures the essence of the Pantry with creativity, compassion, insight, and a grounded understanding of the grassroots experience.

The Pantry's Executive Director, Trina Ward Fontaine, is interviewed by News12 about the Second Annual "Hoop to Pack the Pantry" Basketball Tournament Fundraiser. Horace Greeley teens raise funds for allergy-free foods for the Pantry to ensure patrons with food allergies have access to safe and nutritious options.
Click here to watch!

The Pantry's Executive Director, Trina Ward Fontaine, is interviewed by News12 at a musical performance by talented teens. The event was organized to raise awareness about food insecurity in our northern Westchester communities.
Click here to watch!