Congregational Advisory Council

The Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry (MKIFP) Congregational Advisory Council (CAC) is composed of up to two liaisons from each sponsoring multi-denominational congregation, with each liaison serving a renewable two-year term. CAC liaisons act as advocates and ambassadors for MKIFP, informing their congregations about the Pantry’s mission and encouraging greater involvement.  

Sponsoring congregations regularly support MKIFP financially, often through their missions, annual outreach efforts, or other budgets. Many also organize events to raise funds and awareness about food insecurity in our community.

To learn more about how you and your congregation can get involved or to request additional information on becoming a Sponsoring Congregation and the roles and responsibilities of a CAC liaison, please contact CAC Committee Chair, Cecilia Rosenblum,  at

CAC liaisons at the September 2024 meeting, with Cecilia Rosenblum, Committee Chair, in the center with a floral top.