Please donate these High Priority Items

Food donations can be dropped off at the Pantry’s double doors (behind the church, off the parking lot) on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 am to 12 noon. A volunteer or staff member will weigh and accept your donation. Non-perishable, shelf-stable items can also be left in the plastic bins. Please remember, we only accept non-expired foods.

Our Most Needed Items

  • Canned Black Beans

  • Canned Corn

  • Canned Pineapple

  • Canned Tuna and Salmon

  • Dried Beans

  • Hot and Cold Cereal

  • Pasta and Pasta Sauce

  • Peanut Butter


Consider an Online Food Collection:
You, your organization and/or your friends can order food for us using the
Pantry’s Special Amazon Wish List Page

Be a Pantry Produce Partner

If you have surplus home-grown produce or eggs from your farm or garden, please share it with the Pantry.  Our guests appreciate the extra fresh, local, healthy produce and protein. 

Learn more about our family "Grow a Row" initiative by clicking here

Donate or Collect Food from your Home or Business

If you would like to personally donate food, we welcome fresh produce, dairy, and non-perishable items that are within the expiration date. We can only accept prepared foods from commercial kitchens.

Food donations can be dropped off at the Pantry’s double doors (behind the church, off the parking lot) on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 am to 12 noon. A volunteer or staff member will weigh and accept your donation. Non-perishable, shelf-stable items can also be left in the plastic bins. Please remember, we only accept non-expired foods.

Rescue Food from Commercial Establishments

Our Pantry rescues excess, unsold, near expiration food from a variety of commercial establishments and vendors, i.e. supermarkets, wholesalers, restaurants, farms, bakeries, bagel shops and others.

For more information and/or to schedule a specific food drop-off appointment, contact