Collecting Food: Many vendors and commercial establishments donate food each week. Volunteers are needed to retrieve the items within Westchester County and deliver them back to the Pantry. Most food runs take one to two hours. Note: Volunteers must use their own car. Call 914-610-5187 or email to rhorowitz@mountkiscofoodpantry.org.

Food Drives: The Pantry relies on donations of non-perishable items to supplement the stock of items sourced through our regular suppliers. These are difficult times! If you or your organization would like to organize a food drive, please contact our Director of Operations. Call 914-610-5187 or email to rhorowitz@mountkiscofoodpantry.org.  

Consider an Online Food Collection: You, your organization and/or your friends can order food for us using the Pantry’s special Amazon Wish List page.

Be a Pantry Produce Partner: If you have surplus home-grown produce or eggs from your farm or garden, share it with the Pantry.  Our guests appreciate the fresh, local, healthy produce and protein.  Drop off at the Pantry on Tuesdays or call 914-610-5187 or email to rhorowitz@mountkiscofoodpantry.org to arrange pick up.